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Workshop Intimacy, Racialisation and Affect in Contemporary Migration Politics (IntRA)

In this workshop, we aim to further the work on affect and racialisation within contemporary politics of citizenship and migration. The aim is to understand how migratory processes reveal multiple geographies of racialisation, informed by (dis)continuities between coloniality and contemporary imaginaries of otherness. These norms and imaginaries are constructed, internalized, and rooted in history; they work through the encounters of people in migration with the state (or states), its actors, and other intermediaries (Tyszler, 2020; Sahraoui & Tyszler, 2021). Emotions and affects participate in structuring these encounters and more broadly in the governance of migration (Andreassen & Vitus, 2016). Across socio-cultural contexts, emotions- and affect shape the facets of racialisation, as well as its role in defining (trans)national politics of belonging (Yuval-Davis, 2006) and group/individual feeling of belonging or disaffiliation. In order to explore how scholarship on migration- and citizenship politics can be enriched through the “intimacy-racialisation-affect” nexus, we propose to work around three interconnected themes throughout the IntRa workshop, along the following (but not limited to) sub questions: first, nation, kinship, and family; second, asylum and affective relations; and finally intermediairies, brokerage, and activism.

This is a collaborative anglophone/francophone workshop, organised by Institut Convergences Migrations, le Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques de Paris (CRESPPA) & the Stranger Families Project at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). It is convened by Laura Odasso (ATER Université Paris Cité, associate researcher at the chaire Migrations et Sociétés au Collège de France, ICM) and Sonja Evaldssom Mellstrom (UvA, guest researcher at CRESPA), with the collaboration of Jane Freedman, professor, Université Paris 8, CRESPPA-GTM, ICM; Stéphanie Dadour, associate professor, ENSA Paris Malaquais, ICM; Alice Latouche, Phd researcher, Migrinter (Poitiers), ICM; Nina Sahraoui, postdoc Marie Curie, CRESPPA-GTM, ICM; Elsa Tyszler, postdoc, CRESPPA-GTM, ICM; Saskia Bonjour, associate professor, University of Amsterdam; Eline Westra, Phd researcher, University of Amsterdam.

July 6

ECPG panel: Regulating the Family, Racializing the Family?

July 3

IMISCOE panel series: Moral gatekeeping in the migration regime: family norms and imaginaries of intimacy